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Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Christmas Party

Monday night in the dorms, after devos, we had a Christmas Party. It was great. We had pizza, music, and just plain craziness. I recorded some funny stuff. Some guys sung the 12 Days of Christmas WCBC style. A song about Freshman Relationships had us cracking up all night 'cause it's so true! I didn't have enough memory left which stunk but I got most of the song, basically he breaks up with her. That night I came up with a plan to prank the girl's dorm in Lori. We filled a bunch of trashcans full of water and ran over there past curfew and dumped it all over the entranced to Sisk Hall. The water would freeze and we would have a thick film of ice there, and on all the side doors so the girls would not be able to leave their dorm. It was a good idea. Carrying 55 Gallon trash cans around full of water trying to dodge security can be tiring but we did it. Sorry for the camera shooting, the guy wasn't the best but ohh well... He chickened out when we saw security so he stopped filming and started again so there's two parts.

Part 1
Part 2

So there you go. For those of you out there, please pray that Betty will be able to get a job or she'll have to go home for Christmas. Her church was going to help her this semester but they haven't sent anymore money from her first installment which has been kind of burdensome on her. If she gets a job she can stay out here with me, :-) I would like to spend Christmas with her. Well, breaks almost over, better get back to work.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Joe, just don't leave water to freeze in front of Gibbs, and everything will be just fine. :)

12/08/2005 07:29:00 PM

Blogger Joe said...

We did it, we just didn't get to see the results...

12/09/2005 07:25:00 PM


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