Welcome to my Brain. Please watch your step.

Saturday, October 01, 2005


This is cool, now I can Blog from anywhere.  I downloaded that new MS Word add-in plug-in thingy where now I can Blog from my computer.  However, I don’t have much to say right now.  Hello World!  I want to give an update about Betty and me but I don’t want to write about her and regret it later.  So I’ll just say that I’m praying about it, I still believe that she’s God’s will for my life and that we are now on talking terms.  I don’t want to pressure her or pursue her, well, I do, but I’m not going to because I know that she needs room and that she needs space.  Also, I’ve been taking the class Homiletics 3 with Dr. Goetsch.  That class is giving me a burden for souls and what’s funny is that it’s not even a class designed for that.  Just hearing the quotes of other preachers and how they lived and stuff like that is unbelievable.  Another thing, since you are all a part of my family, known and unknown, I will let you in on something that God may be working on in my heart.  The thought is popping in and out of my head about being a missionary.  More specifically, about being a missionary to Armenia.  Crazy huh?!  I don’t like the culture, it would have been the last thing on my list of things I’d want to do but if that’s what God wants then that’s what He’ll get.  We’ll see though.  I don’t even know how to pray about it, I figure if the impression becomes greater than I will.  My brother reads my Blog occasionally so maybe he’ll read this, and if you do Danny, don’t say anything, not even to me ok?  You too Timmy, this is just me thinking out loud, like I said before;  WELCOME TO MY BRAIN!


(a)Not everything that goes on in Joe’s brain should be taken seriously unless otherwise stated.  (b) If you are not sure if it is a flippant or serious moment just assume that all that is being said is in jest and as stated in the aforementioned line (a).  (c) All punch lines catch phrases are a Joe Co. Inc. Copyrighted © 2005.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey i like your new pics theyre cool! i didnt post on them because i forgot my password to the thing...8-\ ok bye

10/04/2005 05:13:00 PM


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